Montag, 8. Oktober 2012

Some random stuff :D

Hi there!
Don't forget to check this page:

Here's Mayumi again ^.^ 
Keke-chan is on holiday.
So I'm going to order this dress:
but the owner of it doesn't reply to my e-mail.. T_T
i want this sooo much !! ^-^ 

Sorry for all the german followers, that i write in english, but it's better:)

so, what you guys think about this shoes?:

I can't decide, if I want to buy them, or not, haha :D

Matane ~♪

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Hey ihr °(^-^)° schreibt doch hier ein paar Kommentare, was ihr gut findet, was weniger gut, was ihr euch wünscht eect. So können wir den Blog nach EUREN Vorstellungen gestalten ^.^ wir freuen uns ;) ~ auch über kritik ~